Dear Father who art in Heaven:
Please help me to expose Truth so that "Man" might better serve Your Light. Help me to explain Truth so that those called to serve you will believe.
I pray:
May the Light unite that WE may better serve you and experience Your Love.
Please, call upon your teachers of Your Light to unite Your Love. May we focus on Your Light and not on the need of the narcissistic part of our brains which long to justify our positions, beliefs, and ourselves. May we experience Your greatest power as we free Your light to unite. As we become one with all, we unite your love and power for all. Only then shall we Know Truth and truly become one with Your Love.
Help "Man" to teach WE not ME! "Man" must follow in the footsteps of the God, of our knowing.
I want to expose Truth to WE the people, Your people. After experiences over many years, it is confirmed in my mind that "Man as Devil" has arrived. This "Man as Devil" exists like a secretive Underworld so "Man" in general can not directly see or even believe "Man as Devil" exists. This is the intent of "Man as Devil" in order to lure more greedy people, Corporations, institutions, politicians, Departments, etc. to do the work of "Man as Devil" and, ultimately, with the help of many allies, to take over democracy and the world. I Know Your Love and I thank you for Your hand in protecting me, but many good, moral people call Truth crazy. These people are indirectly a part of the problem. These people need to be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. How can I help? I feel most people are too fragile and I feel their fear when I speak Truth. How can I help them to move away from fear so as to be one with Your Light?
When "Man" begins to select who suffers and how one suffers and secretly helps to create set ups to make the targeted victims suffer mentally, physically, financially or emotionally, I think "Man as Devil" has arrived. How can I help expose what people wish to deny? You Know that "Man as Devil" is beginning to select who suffers and who dies and how one suffers or dies-- possibly with the help of medical records in order to assure that there is no link to "Man as Devil". "Man as Devil" may often create a series of accidents on purpose in order to help rid of or overwhelm their targeted victims with the intent to drive their victims insane or kill them without proof of intent. I think "Man" is acting as devil. Humanity is lost and the spirit/God is denied when "Man" forgets from whence he/she came. It is confirmed in my mind that a selection process has begun which is not in balance with or in respect to God.
I understand that the nature of animals can be brutal. Selecting which baby is strongest to give the food to; even sometimes selecting which baby is forced to die because the baby is born weak.
When "Man" reacts by instinct or by protecting himself or his territory, or when "Man" is being ignorant or innocent, and when "Man" is reacting to a situation out of necessity, this is different. Society has created rules and laws to determine what is moral and what should be punished. Of course, this is relative and what is in balance will ultimately be determined by our maker on our judgement day. But, in comparison, the incomprehensible ownership of property/territory and management of property by "Man as Devil" aka "Webmob Godfathers" is protected with Totalitarian intent under the control of terror. The ultimate agenda of the "Webmob Godfathers" is to select the rules and law of society and to control society and life in general by luring, manipulating and controling "Man" mentally, physically, financially and emotionally for the omnipotent selfish gain and power of "Man as Devil" over "mankind". No other animal in God's Kingdom plans and selects who is to suffer or die and how one is to suffer or die mentally, physically, financially and/or emotionally, for the purposes of omnipotent greed and with the intent to control an entire species. Is this correct?
Greed is a serious epademic throughout the world. This imbalance must somehow be kept in check. Education, religion, and the medias can help and may already be helping. I believe that patriotic morality brought back to elementary schools would also help instill morality and unity. This is why I created "A promise to America" at the end of this blog site. It is WE, not ME! I am trying to help-- but who is listening?
"Man as Devil" not only selects who shall suffer and how one shall suffer for their self gain, but also secretly assist in creating a series of set ups (using their bosses, their many members and allies), which target how selected victims are to suffer or die in order to benefit "Man as Devil". "Man as Devil" prepares for court before they order their lower bosses to order the lower members to commit their crimes-- all to serve the immense power and wealth of "Man as Devil". I believe that one technique of "Man as Devil's" is to overload and overwhelm mentally, physically, financially or emotionally all those who do not serve "Man as Devil". The "Webmob" Godfathers, aka "Man as Devil", are mammoth real estate owners, property owners/ a management corporation huge beyond comprehension-- they have the jobs, the buildings, the power, the allies, the computer contacts and the underworld control and mass computer information about us (though they are not the moral majority), and they intend to secretly use the weakness of people (people are often like sheep-- they follow), societies limitations (to use society to alienate or ostricize the "Webmob" victim) and the growing greed of society in order to control "Man" mentally, physically, financially and emotionally and, ultimately, the "Webmob Godfathers" intent is to take over and control the world (with the help of computer allies and many other allies). This is "Man as Devil" because they have lost balance and have forgotten from whence they came.
Due to many years of experiences, and the help of Your light, it is also confirmed in my mind that Love and Light can guilt "Man as Devil" as well as Love and Light can guilt those used in the set ups created by "Man as Devil". I thank you for allowing me to directly experience the power of Your Light through me. However, it is also confirmed in my mind that Love and Light can NOT stop the set ups by "Man as Devil", Love and Light can only guilt "Man as Devil.
I believe that most of the people or organizations, (possibly such as parts of or individuals within: health insurance corporations, Internet corporations, major software corporations, politicians, City Departments, Courts, postal workers, Doctor's practices, Psychiatrist's practices and on and on and on) that have been lured by "Man as Devil" over decades, are not aware of the extent in which they are being used or that they are literally serving "Man as Devil". Most people lured by "Man as Devil" only see the small to huge immoral service they provide, and they see the reward or privilege or power that they receive, or need; they do not see the whole picture of what is happening. Some of those lured can be manipulated with lies which, for instance, might claim a targeted victim is a nuisance to the city-- Possibly stating a victim had too many law cases to turn prominent highly respected officials against the victim (but, remember, "Man as Devil" may have secretly created and forced the law cases as "Man as Devil" could well make money in the court system and "Man as Devil" knows well that law cases can cause over-load mentally or financially for their targeted victims). Another example of lies by "Man as Devil" to help gain respected allies might be that the victim has not made money for the city for years or is "just" a homemaker or old and unproductive for the good of society. The people lured and used on behalf of "Man as Devil" mostly will never know when the targeted victim may have been chosen, in reality, on behalf of the "Webmob" Godfathers in order to help execute a plan to get away with and get rid of a low rent tenant, one way or another. In general, I believe that the people lured by "Man as Devil" do not know that democracy is at stake and that the demise of mankind as we know it is inevitable if we allow "Man as Devil" to prevail. If it wasn't for the people who are lured, "Man as Devil" would have no power. I believe that these individuals or corporations, institutions, departments, computer allies, etc. who are lured by "Man as Devil" would be astonished and morally horrified if they were to see the whole picture. I pray that Truth may be exposed for the greater good of mankind.
The problem in asking Your teachers of the Light to help expose Truth is that we are a society in denial of who we are. We are a society in denial of Truth. I have one hope which lies in the fact that we are by far the moral majority on Earth, though, I fear, that most of this majority are in denial of Truth. Denial becomes narcissistic and unproductive by nature. The job of the teachers of the Light is a very difficult one. However, the more we hear the Truth and unite Your light, the better chance we have to slow the process. There is a point, after X number of experiences, that skepticism becomes denial. At that point, those who remain in denial of Truth are a part of the problem, not a part of the solution. I ask and I pray that Your Love will shine Truth into the hearts of Your teachers of the Light, that we may help those in denial to accept the Truth and Trust in Your Love.
Only by letting go can "Man" accept Truth. We must go into the darkness in order to find the Light. This Light shall be the gateway to rebirth. Thank you for your Light. Is it true that you have choosen me as a Messenger? I am embarrassed to admit such an honour but I sense I have been chosen. Some special people do believe.
I am like the Raven, bringing the darkness into the Light, without which there can be no rebirth. Isn't this why the spirit wolf from another realm appears at my right side in times of danger. Isn't this why the raven came into my life and, subsequently I found the dead raven skull and claws and wing feathers. Isn't this why I was called to find the Oak and when I found it by the huge flock of crows appearing over my head, the Oak's branches dansed for me when no other trees were moving and the air was still? Isn't this why Myla, the deceased High Priestess Wiccan, the lover of nature and giver of Light, came into my life with her "forest" which called to me to find the Oak? Isn't this why the shamans I spoke to said that special people would believe? Isn't this why I felt called to purchase the sacred stones, many from the Native American Priest Craft Tradition, Teneh and Lakota, as well as shaman mongolian sacred stones and gifts and items from a great shaman Buddhist Monk? Isn't this why the sacred stones called to me to teach me "God's gifts to Man in Balance with Brain and Spirit" when I did not even know why I was learning this? A healer/Buddhist shaman informed me that I had to create "God's gifts to Man in Balance with Brain and Spirit" in order to know why the "Webmob" can never win. Isn't it my job to marry the light and to serve Your calling? Why don't people want to know Truth so that they can better serve you? How can I better unite Your Light?
Please reach out and call to Your teachers of the Light to help to serve this moral cause. Help me to Unite Your Love and teach Truth so that the moral majority may awaken and help to serve Your Love.
As "Man" awakens to Knowing, I pray that "Man" may trust that your hand is still waiting-- we have only to let go and believe "--though I walk through the valley of death, I fear no evil, for though art with me--". Focus on the Light to Know and to Trust that the gateway to rebirth lies within the Light. Just reach out, believe and follow the Light. Focus on the Light, which, ultimately, shall be the gateway to rebirth.
Though I have not studied religions, I have heard and believe that all religions and beliefs have great stories of humanity and morality. I was raised Christian but I did not feel committed to a literally believe. I was agnostic for a time and, before that, when I went to Sunday School and Church, I always translated the stories in my own way. Today, above all, I believe there is a greater power in choosing to unite the Light, not the words. This is because of the narcissistic nature of "Man's" brain. The words and stories of the God of your choosing, can lead one to feel a connection with God. But only when "Man" is in balance with the Light of God, with or without the words, can "Man" truly help to Unite "God's" Light. If one gets stuck on the wonderful and inspirational stories of any religion and feels "God" is only the stories, one has missed the point and the Light of "God".
I came back to this letter to tell you I just had what felt like a revelation. You have just given me faith! First I want to apologise. I am so sorry; I feel I failed you. I failed to have faith in You for many years. I didn't believe the words; I didn't believe the stories. Even as a child, though I prayed long and often and believed in You, I had no faith in the words or the stories. I was very literal as a child and I could not believe anything that was not proven by the brain as fact because I could not feel faith. There is so very much more beyond the words, beyond the stories, beyond the mortal! I have now had so very many spiritual experiences that I Know faith. Faith can not be explained. I am deeply sorry for my disbelief and for being agnostic. I had failed to marry my brain with my spirit. I had failed to have faith. I began to create a parallel. My beliefs of "Man as Devil" aka "Webmob" and how I often felt deep loneliness when I tried to reach out to my community began to have a parallel with how I was agnostic and failed to have faith in You. Oh, how I feel the pain. I wondered how did you feel when I did not have faith in You? I have no words to prove my Truth and spiritual experiences to my community. There were times when I felt lost or osticized by society. Now, I look back at how I treated You and at first I thought I might have made you feel lonely. I so deeply relate to that. But after thinking more, I realized that I never helped to make You feel lonely because You are above loneliness. You Knew faith. I was lost but now, at long last, I Know faith. There is no need for me to be lonely anymore because I am following in Your footsteps. Thank you for Your faith in me. Thank you for your unending patience. Thank you for your example that I might follow it.
Is it also true that when the moral majority moves out of denial and into the darkness, those with faith will find the light, which will, ultimately, be the gateway to rebirth. Thank you for Your Light; it is greater than words and there is no story to compare!
When I was agnostic, I didn't make an issue of religion because I could not choose which religion was fact and I did not know faith. I know little about the Bible (because I rarely listened) yet I questioned the Bible. Even after I began to have spiritual experiences but before I knew faith, I remember I began to question how the Bible could have been written by God. In spiritual experiences that I have had, I usually can not speak with another person, and generally can not create ideas with another person, thus being aware of my brain as well as another person's input, at the same time as I experience something in the spirit world. If all the Disciples were together to write the Bible, that meant to me that they spoke, which meant to me that they interpreted or created aspects of the written word using their brains. In my conclusion, I now believe that the marriage of the brain and spirit is in balance with the writing of the Bible and the exact literal translation of the words or stories are not as important as the essence or the spirit of the words. When one has faith one can feel the essence of the stories, not just the words. Doesn't that mean that God is the Light beyond the words? Doesn't that also mean that "Man" must know faith to see beyond the written word. Wouldn't it then be true to say that for "Man" to experience Truth, "Man" must have a balance of brain and spirit?
Cease the fight, unite the Light!
When one ceases the fight and focuses on the Light, one might conclude that "Man" is less omnipotent, but certainly I would conclude that focusing on the Light and not the Fight is a more constructive use of time during such turmoil in society. To Know is to serve the Light, am I right? It does not make sense to me that the God of any one's knowing could be about the words as much as it is about the Light beyond the words. Thus, please, call upon the universal Light to Unite!
Please, call upon Your teachers of the Light to tell stories which teach "Man" that "Man" can not select how one suffers, lives or dies or select who suffers, lives or dies. I believe that these teachings will help to serve humanity as well as morality. I believe those who listen and believe will Trust in Your hand to guide us through the darkness and into Your Light. I thank you for Your Light.
An example, for instance, of an appropriate religious story from the Bible would be, if I remember correctly, Adam and Eve's test was to see if they would obey God's orders. When Adam and Eve failed they were kicked out of Eden. Correct me if my memory fails me, please. (I know that I was not a very good listener when I attended Sunday School and church as a child.)
Another example from the Bible, if I remember correctly, would be when Abraham was given the ultimate test to see if he would obey and trust in God by being asked by God to offer his son's life to God. It is clear yet that "Man" can not select?
And, if I remember correctly, God gave his only son, according to the New Testament in the Bible, knowing his only son would die to redeem man. Here, God gives the ultimate sacrifice. How can "Man" claim "he" has a right to choose who lives and who dies or how one suffers or dies? Does any religion support this? Only "Man" who believes he is "God" would support this, isn't this true? Isn't this "Man as Devil"?
The above were examples of how "Man" was called to serve the God of their knowing, the Light beyond the words. I wish I had examples from all of Your people who serve the Light in all of the religions and beliefs, and who serve the Light with lack of specific beliefs! I hope that all of your people who find balance with Your Light, whatever their belief, can come to know that "Man" can never select who suffers, who lives or who dies or how one suffers, lives or dies.
It makes sense to me that "Man" becomes "Man as Devil" when "Man as Devil" demands control and begins to select who suffers, who lives and who dies. I have come to believe that even Your Love can not stop the evil at this time (all in good time). But, I pray that Your Love and Your Light shines upon "Man as Devil" and that their guilt is so great that "Man as Devil" can not focus on creating set ups against their targeted victims and that "Man as Devil" will harm less innocent people. I believe that I can not pray for more because I would be asking for the impossible.
Please, please, help to slow the suffering of the victims chosen by "Man as Devil". Please, please, please help to heal the wounded, mentally, physically, financially and emotionally so that we, the moral majority, might better serve your Light.
I thank you for Your unending Light and Love. I thank you for helping to show me the way that I might Know your Light. I pray that your Light shall continue to worn me and show me the way in times of imminent danger. Again and again you have proven that your hand is guiding me. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for allowing me to be your messenger. Please lead the way. I pray that, in my own way, I might be given the power to help heal those who are harmed and who need strength. I pray that I might be given the power to help expose Truth so that people will accept Truth while trusting in Your Love.
Thank you again. I trust in Your Love, forever Yours.
Love, Light, Unite!
Upon the request of a teacher of the Light, I may email you that I freely give the use of any information from this site to you for purposes of helping to serve the Light via a sermon or teaching.
Dead Raven Found by "Messenger"?
Death Row Tenant describes a mammoth Real Estate criminal underworld: the Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Underworld.
and Materials and Content Copyright at the time of first creation by Death Row Tenant including, but not limited to MATERIALS AND CONTENT COPYRIGHT, 2009, Death Row Tenant and MATERIALS AND CONTENT COPYRIGHT, 2010, Death Row Tenant. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*Apartments Strange Happenings is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*Mortstare is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*WE not me is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*The Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
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and Materials and Content Copyright at the time of first creation by Death Row Tenant including, but not limited to MATERIALS AND CONTENT COPYRIGHT, 2009, Death Row Tenant and MATERIALS AND CONTENT COPYRIGHT, 2010, Death Row Tenant. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*Apartments Strange Happenings is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*Mortstare is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*WE not me is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*The Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
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*"DRT" is not a mafia professional and can not give advise. No combinations of beliefs and or interpretations and recollections in this "SITE" are meant to give advise. If you believe you are having problems with a mafia, please contact the FBI or Attorney General or proper law enforcement officials.
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