I was puzzled by a TV show depicting the Apocalypse as the defeat of "Man as Devil" by the Word and not the sword. I thought about this for some time. It was clear that "Man as Devil" was dead but how could the word(s) have killed them? But I later concluded that the Word never kills them as the Light of "God" is Love and is likely then pure and balanced in Man emitting the Light at that time of the final Word(s). Man and "Man as Devil" must at that time select to respect from whence we came and accept "God's" world or leave it-- which if the selection is rejection of "God's" Light one then chooses to leave "God's" world, in effect committing suicide. You either serve "God" (knowingly or not knowingly) or you serve "Man as Devil" (knowingly or not knowingly); there is NOTHING in between.
I received the information that lead me to write an email which lead me to write this blog post and which I now copied here and is starred below but slightly modified, including removing names of friends, and attempting to make it more clear, I have concluded without question, first that I am a Christian, (I was Agnostic for about twenty years) and second that I interpret the Word as "God's" Light.
Note: When I say Man, I mean man or woman. When I reference "God", I mean the great power and mystery of Life ( I name this God, due to my Christian upbringing). "God", which, to me is the Spirit as a culmination of Souls combined with the mystery and the Power that Guides our souls with Love. I put God in quotation marks because there are other names such as "Great Spirit" to some Native Americans and various names to Pagans and "Great Buddha" to Buddhists. The Buddhists I know have remarkable balance of brain and spirit and have a huge connection to the sacred "Light" and no one has more respect for the Buddhist than I.
The Word(s) is in the Light of "God", which speaks Truth in a Universal Language.
I do not believe all mortals must use the words written in one man's language in order to be one with the Light. Nor must the interpretations of the Word in the "Light" from many men together in any one language be known or accepted literally in order to be one with "God's" Light"; the words interpreting the "Word" in the Light, which may come from any one religion, are interpreted by Man, thus the core of our service to "God" should be accepting the Word in the Light which will guide us to Truth. Man's literal word is not as important as from whence the Word came-- which is from the Universal Language in the Light of "God". But we must accept "God's" Light into our lives in order for the mortal to be in balance with brain and spirit.
How do we open ourselves to the Light of "God"? One has only to open a space for the "Light" in order to be one with the Light, for the "Word" in the Light speaks all languages and will be interpreted as Truth by each language providing the Man is serving the Truth in the Light and not his/her narcissism! Truth is in the Universal Language within the Light of "God". It is when Man's narcissism brings the Universal Language of "God's" Light too far that dangerous things begin to happen.
Even regarding the moral majority, who seem to find illusion and denial the popular hiding place, even these good people are lost and will be blinded from "God's" Light if they do not open a space for the Truth within the Light. Part of the Truth is we need to stop hiding in our narcissism, and accept and trust in the Truth and serve the Light over ourselves, for by doing so we will be Guided through the darkness and into the Light, which ultimately is the Gateway to Rebirth.
The gifts from the Light of "God" to those Men in balance with brain and spirit include: Love, Hope, Wisdom, Health (this does not mean most mortals can understand this), Protection (this does not mean that most mortals can understand this), Peace with Death and life after death, Happiness (this does not include any narcissistic thinking of any kind) and Justice (this does not mean that most mortals can understand "God's" justice-- though you may find it in the Light of "God" and Know that it is one hundred percent about Love-- the process of helping mortals come to balance, to remember from whence they came and to live the Word in the Light of "God" over your narcissistic fears and needs (note that many of Man's needs are illusions and excess which slow the focus on those suffering the most).
The following is the email I sent to friends (modified):
I had sent this similar email to a couple other friends and I am sharing it with you.
Though I try to "spare you" most of my experiences, I wanted to tell you about my recent one.
I will preface this by saying a day or two before the quote below I had written my Shaman friends about the white wolf and how my son insisted he heard a growl and told me I was a White Wolf (and I had never mentioned a white wolf or that I could shape-shift) when I was aware I had shape-shifted in front of him into a White Wolf (my son is a mathematician and analyzes things with the mind of a mathematician so he later said it freaked him out and he blocked it out and concluded he did not understand why he said what he said-- that I was a white wolf). By the way, I did not hear the grow-- though I was aware I was the white wolf. My Buddhist friends explained to me that I WAS the White wolf, similar to a glass of water that you add apple juice to, the water is still there and the apple juice is still there-- I am both. I often turn to them for wisdom and even release regarding my experiences. The Lama Buddhist Shaman has selected sacred wolf teeth? for me and along with other sacred items I gave donation for (I believe me their sacred stones and items can teach you things!!!-- I had also been contemplating my "job" and what is the purpose of my White Wolf. Remember, it was the Raven who lead me to the Oak, which danced for me when no other trees were moving-- and ravens also often lead wolves to food and are often known as Messengers. I read that in a dream, a White Wolf represents Victory and Valor but if you kill the white wolf, this means betrayal and secrets will be uncovered/revealed. Interesting because long before this I came to feel my job was to expose Truth. Okay, I am getting off the subject: to get to the point here, I had also written that maybe the Wolf, which is of the third eye/the brain and memory could "attack" the third eye level/memory of my attacker and by deleting memory I would cure the evil ones of narcissism (at least temporarity) while saving my life. Then I opened this book of Myla's (the deceased, High Priestess Christian Wiccan) to this page:
I was removing Myla's books and putting them in a bag to store away the day before Easter. I was drawn to book that looked worn. I opened it, not knowing why, to this page:
Book Title: "Exploring in the Next World" by Jack MacArthur Copyright 1967
'(4) Some say that God is too merciful to send a soul to hell. There is much misunderstanding at this point. No where does the Bible say that God ever sentenced a soul to hell. The infinite, eternal, inexhaustible love of God never decreed that a soul should spend eternity in hell. "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved" (John 3:17). Suicide is not murder! In the case of a murder, someone else is responsible for the victim's death; in a suicide the one who takes the life and the one who dies is one and the same. When a man rejects Jesus Christ, he commits spiritual suicide. In this case the condemnation and death is alone the responsibility of the Christ-rejector. God is not in any way responsible. No soul ever goes out into the dark night of eternity without Christ unless it goes over and past every possible barrier that the love of God can place between it and the lost world. Men go to hell because that is where they choose to go. It is the world of their choice. Men do not want to come to God on God's conditions, on God's terms. They deliberately refuse and reject Jesus Christ, and in so doing they accept the consequences of their choice. Our Lord loves those who reject His redemption. He loves the souls of those who die without Him, who go out beyond the reach of His saving hand. He loves the souls of those who die without Him, who go out beyond the reach of His saving hand. He never ceases to love them. ...The love of God permits the lost soul that does not want Him to spend eternity even as he has spent life-- without Him. ...It will not be because the testimony of the Word of God was not clear and plain; it will be, in the light of divine revelation, because you deliberately chose the dark. God lets you choose. Jesus said, "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil" (John 3:19) Notice, they love darkness, they prefer darkness. It is their choice!'
This was the day before Easter! Yes, I am Christian.
I then decided to trust the "light" and not try so hard to figure it out what the White Wolf meant. I did, however, see a TV program that said Man as Devil is not killed by the sword but by the "light". They are killed by words? They are dead. I finally concluded that the word means the "light" and the "light" contains the universal language that every person of every language understands. In the end one must choose if he/she wishes to "live" in "God's" ("God" meaning Great spirit, Great Buddha or any other name) world or not and I now believe and conclude that it will be the "light" that "speaks" that "word".
This page is the one I had opened to first. Then I opened to a page with a small piece of cloth in it-- I knew it was Myla's message. Here is what the page said: (this is amazing!)
'We are told of a class of beings called archangels. Three of these are named in Scripture. Lucifer will be spoken of in detail later. The other two, Gabriel and Michael, are stated to be the messengers of God to man. Michael, we are told in Daniel 12:1, is the head of the armies of heaven In the Old Testament both these mighty beings enter into God's ministry of prophetic revelation as they come to the aid and comfort of Daniel. In the New Testament, Gabriel is the instrument of the revelation to Mary and Joseph of the supernatural birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. These archangels might be called the rulers or the governors under God of the spiritual world, and under them we are shown a host of living beings called angels. They are mentioned in the Bible a total of 273 times. So great is our reverence for God's Word, and so marvelously have we seen it vindicated in every claim that we cannot believe that the Holy Book would descend to lying 273 times on this subject. We view with confidence the statements of Scripture on this as on all subjects. ...Angels are set forth as created beings whom we might reverently call God's laborers. They exist to do His will and to perform such service for Him as the works of a spiritual kingdom might call for. That angels are real, living beings, is evidenced by the fact that the Epistle to the Hebrews, in its first two chapters, set forth seven reasons why Jesus is greater and better than the angels. Very clearly then, angels are as real in personality and existence as was the Lord Jesus Christ when He walked the earth in a physical, bodily form.'
One of Myla's items that I rejected and then later purchased but thought it was "studid" (like many other items I felt called to purchase) was her angels (particularly one-- the others you gave me and I came to love). I look back now at my expressionist period when I did not understand what I was doing but I placed wings on people, that wings on people is the only way a mortal can visually show mortals in spiritual form. I often created images with me having wings. I now believe that Myla was one of God's angels and I am a kind of a Messenger.
I am very much like the "Fool" in the Throth tarot (I heard the Fool as being defined as everything and nothing at all, with his head in the clouds, he does not understand why he does what he does but it feels right, like a calling-- and in the end the Wizard and the High Priestess turn to the Fool for the answer; and in the very end the "Fool" becomes the High Priestess--). I selected the Fool card before I ever knew about what the Fool meant and I still know nothing of how to use the Tarot cards or how to create ANY magick! The feminine compliment to the Fool in the tarot is Adjustment (active Justice) and I selected the Adjustment card when I put energy out to serve a purpose (a prayer/spell/intent) without ever knowing it had a relation to the "Fool" or even that there was a bird hidden on its shoulder (likely a raven and I suspect Alister Crowley never saw it!). This is Harris's art in the Throth tarot-- I have this feeling it was Harris who was closer to the Light of "God"--amazing.
Please do not condemn or alienate those who follow their calling to serve "God" in strange ways. We need them.
I would like to add here that in the subsequent days after writing the above email, I concluded that it seems that the moral majority has moved into excess or indulgence or illusion or/and denial as well as apathy to the extent that they follow whoever acts in power! The movement is away from balance and the "Light", thus the majority need assistance to come into balance. "God" has the unpleasant job of trying to teach us and give us experiences that will ultimately lead us to become one with the "Light" and into balance with "God". As "Man as devil" now exists on earth, as I see it, more relatively good people will be lured by "Man as Devil" and move even more out of balance from the "Light". As we move into the darkness we will have two choices; to serve "God" (knowingly or not knowingly) or to serve "Man as Devil" (knowingly or not knowingly). But all will suffer in the darkness for we must move closer to the "Light"/"God" before our "Light" can be strong enough to speak the "Universal Language in the Light" and then assist in saving those moving toward evil. Even more people will accept the "light"/"God", like an epidemic when people start getting it; and then the "Light" will be so strong that the moral majority serving the "Light" will control without great effort and without bloodshed. At that time, "Man as Devil" will either submit to the "Light"/"God" or cease to exist, by his own making and his own choice. This makes sense to me and it brings me great peace and fearlessness. The darkness we are moving into is necessary because Man's narcissism created the movement toward the darkness indirectly by moving out of balance with "God". Ultimately the darkness is just a movement toward the "Light"/"God", and into the Gateway to Rebirth; and it is "God's" way of asking us to listen to His Words in the Universal Language in the "Light" so that we might be saved.
Please note that to see older blog posts here, you must select "Older Posts" or they are not visible.
I received the information that lead me to write an email which lead me to write this blog post and which I now copied here and is starred below but slightly modified, including removing names of friends, and attempting to make it more clear, I have concluded without question, first that I am a Christian, (I was Agnostic for about twenty years) and second that I interpret the Word as "God's" Light.
Note: When I say Man, I mean man or woman. When I reference "God", I mean the great power and mystery of Life ( I name this God, due to my Christian upbringing). "God", which, to me is the Spirit as a culmination of Souls combined with the mystery and the Power that Guides our souls with Love. I put God in quotation marks because there are other names such as "Great Spirit" to some Native Americans and various names to Pagans and "Great Buddha" to Buddhists. The Buddhists I know have remarkable balance of brain and spirit and have a huge connection to the sacred "Light" and no one has more respect for the Buddhist than I.
The Word(s) is in the Light of "God", which speaks Truth in a Universal Language.
I do not believe all mortals must use the words written in one man's language in order to be one with the Light. Nor must the interpretations of the Word in the "Light" from many men together in any one language be known or accepted literally in order to be one with "God's" Light"; the words interpreting the "Word" in the Light, which may come from any one religion, are interpreted by Man, thus the core of our service to "God" should be accepting the Word in the Light which will guide us to Truth. Man's literal word is not as important as from whence the Word came-- which is from the Universal Language in the Light of "God". But we must accept "God's" Light into our lives in order for the mortal to be in balance with brain and spirit.
How do we open ourselves to the Light of "God"? One has only to open a space for the "Light" in order to be one with the Light, for the "Word" in the Light speaks all languages and will be interpreted as Truth by each language providing the Man is serving the Truth in the Light and not his/her narcissism! Truth is in the Universal Language within the Light of "God". It is when Man's narcissism brings the Universal Language of "God's" Light too far that dangerous things begin to happen.
Even regarding the moral majority, who seem to find illusion and denial the popular hiding place, even these good people are lost and will be blinded from "God's" Light if they do not open a space for the Truth within the Light. Part of the Truth is we need to stop hiding in our narcissism, and accept and trust in the Truth and serve the Light over ourselves, for by doing so we will be Guided through the darkness and into the Light, which ultimately is the Gateway to Rebirth.
The gifts from the Light of "God" to those Men in balance with brain and spirit include: Love, Hope, Wisdom, Health (this does not mean most mortals can understand this), Protection (this does not mean that most mortals can understand this), Peace with Death and life after death, Happiness (this does not include any narcissistic thinking of any kind) and Justice (this does not mean that most mortals can understand "God's" justice-- though you may find it in the Light of "God" and Know that it is one hundred percent about Love-- the process of helping mortals come to balance, to remember from whence they came and to live the Word in the Light of "God" over your narcissistic fears and needs (note that many of Man's needs are illusions and excess which slow the focus on those suffering the most).
The following is the email I sent to friends (modified):
I had sent this similar email to a couple other friends and I am sharing it with you.
Though I try to "spare you" most of my experiences, I wanted to tell you about my recent one.
I will preface this by saying a day or two before the quote below I had written my Shaman friends about the white wolf and how my son insisted he heard a growl and told me I was a White Wolf (and I had never mentioned a white wolf or that I could shape-shift) when I was aware I had shape-shifted in front of him into a White Wolf (my son is a mathematician and analyzes things with the mind of a mathematician so he later said it freaked him out and he blocked it out and concluded he did not understand why he said what he said-- that I was a white wolf). By the way, I did not hear the grow-- though I was aware I was the white wolf. My Buddhist friends explained to me that I WAS the White wolf, similar to a glass of water that you add apple juice to, the water is still there and the apple juice is still there-- I am both. I often turn to them for wisdom and even release regarding my experiences. The Lama Buddhist Shaman has selected sacred wolf teeth? for me and along with other sacred items I gave donation for (I believe me their sacred stones and items can teach you things!!!-- I had also been contemplating my "job" and what is the purpose of my White Wolf. Remember, it was the Raven who lead me to the Oak, which danced for me when no other trees were moving-- and ravens also often lead wolves to food and are often known as Messengers. I read that in a dream, a White Wolf represents Victory and Valor but if you kill the white wolf, this means betrayal and secrets will be uncovered/revealed. Interesting because long before this I came to feel my job was to expose Truth. Okay, I am getting off the subject: to get to the point here, I had also written that maybe the Wolf, which is of the third eye/the brain and memory could "attack" the third eye level/memory of my attacker and by deleting memory I would cure the evil ones of narcissism (at least temporarity) while saving my life. Then I opened this book of Myla's (the deceased, High Priestess Christian Wiccan) to this page:
Book Title: "Exploring in the Next World" by Jack MacArthur Copyright 1967
'(4) Some say that God is too merciful to send a soul to hell. There is much misunderstanding at this point. No where does the Bible say that God ever sentenced a soul to hell. The infinite, eternal, inexhaustible love of God never decreed that a soul should spend eternity in hell. "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved" (John 3:17). Suicide is not murder! In the case of a murder, someone else is responsible for the victim's death; in a suicide the one who takes the life and the one who dies is one and the same. When a man rejects Jesus Christ, he commits spiritual suicide. In this case the condemnation and death is alone the responsibility of the Christ-rejector. God is not in any way responsible. No soul ever goes out into the dark night of eternity without Christ unless it goes over and past every possible barrier that the love of God can place between it and the lost world. Men go to hell because that is where they choose to go. It is the world of their choice. Men do not want to come to God on God's conditions, on God's terms. They deliberately refuse and reject Jesus Christ, and in so doing they accept the consequences of their choice. Our Lord loves those who reject His redemption. He loves the souls of those who die without Him, who go out beyond the reach of His saving hand. He loves the souls of those who die without Him, who go out beyond the reach of His saving hand. He never ceases to love them. ...The love of God permits the lost soul that does not want Him to spend eternity even as he has spent life-- without Him. ...It will not be because the testimony of the Word of God was not clear and plain; it will be, in the light of divine revelation, because you deliberately chose the dark. God lets you choose. Jesus said, "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil" (John 3:19) Notice, they love darkness, they prefer darkness. It is their choice!'
This was the day before Easter! Yes, I am Christian.
I then decided to trust the "light" and not try so hard to figure it out what the White Wolf meant. I did, however, see a TV program that said Man as Devil is not killed by the sword but by the "light". They are killed by words? They are dead. I finally concluded that the word means the "light" and the "light" contains the universal language that every person of every language understands. In the end one must choose if he/she wishes to "live" in "God's" ("God" meaning Great spirit, Great Buddha or any other name) world or not and I now believe and conclude that it will be the "light" that "speaks" that "word".
This page is the one I had opened to first. Then I opened to a page with a small piece of cloth in it-- I knew it was Myla's message. Here is what the page said: (this is amazing!)
'We are told of a class of beings called archangels. Three of these are named in Scripture. Lucifer will be spoken of in detail later. The other two, Gabriel and Michael, are stated to be the messengers of God to man. Michael, we are told in Daniel 12:1, is the head of the armies of heaven In the Old Testament both these mighty beings enter into God's ministry of prophetic revelation as they come to the aid and comfort of Daniel. In the New Testament, Gabriel is the instrument of the revelation to Mary and Joseph of the supernatural birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. These archangels might be called the rulers or the governors under God of the spiritual world, and under them we are shown a host of living beings called angels. They are mentioned in the Bible a total of 273 times. So great is our reverence for God's Word, and so marvelously have we seen it vindicated in every claim that we cannot believe that the Holy Book would descend to lying 273 times on this subject. We view with confidence the statements of Scripture on this as on all subjects. ...Angels are set forth as created beings whom we might reverently call God's laborers. They exist to do His will and to perform such service for Him as the works of a spiritual kingdom might call for. That angels are real, living beings, is evidenced by the fact that the Epistle to the Hebrews, in its first two chapters, set forth seven reasons why Jesus is greater and better than the angels. Very clearly then, angels are as real in personality and existence as was the Lord Jesus Christ when He walked the earth in a physical, bodily form.'
One of Myla's items that I rejected and then later purchased but thought it was "studid" (like many other items I felt called to purchase) was her angels (particularly one-- the others you gave me and I came to love). I look back now at my expressionist period when I did not understand what I was doing but I placed wings on people, that wings on people is the only way a mortal can visually show mortals in spiritual form. I often created images with me having wings. I now believe that Myla was one of God's angels and I am a kind of a Messenger.
I am very much like the "Fool" in the Throth tarot (I heard the Fool as being defined as everything and nothing at all, with his head in the clouds, he does not understand why he does what he does but it feels right, like a calling-- and in the end the Wizard and the High Priestess turn to the Fool for the answer; and in the very end the "Fool" becomes the High Priestess--). I selected the Fool card before I ever knew about what the Fool meant and I still know nothing of how to use the Tarot cards or how to create ANY magick! The feminine compliment to the Fool in the tarot is Adjustment (active Justice) and I selected the Adjustment card when I put energy out to serve a purpose (a prayer/spell/intent) without ever knowing it had a relation to the "Fool" or even that there was a bird hidden on its shoulder (likely a raven and I suspect Alister Crowley never saw it!). This is Harris's art in the Throth tarot-- I have this feeling it was Harris who was closer to the Light of "God"--amazing.
Please do not condemn or alienate those who follow their calling to serve "God" in strange ways. We need them.
I would like to add here that in the subsequent days after writing the above email, I concluded that it seems that the moral majority has moved into excess or indulgence or illusion or/and denial as well as apathy to the extent that they follow whoever acts in power! The movement is away from balance and the "Light", thus the majority need assistance to come into balance. "God" has the unpleasant job of trying to teach us and give us experiences that will ultimately lead us to become one with the "Light" and into balance with "God". As "Man as devil" now exists on earth, as I see it, more relatively good people will be lured by "Man as Devil" and move even more out of balance from the "Light". As we move into the darkness we will have two choices; to serve "God" (knowingly or not knowingly) or to serve "Man as Devil" (knowingly or not knowingly). But all will suffer in the darkness for we must move closer to the "Light"/"God" before our "Light" can be strong enough to speak the "Universal Language in the Light" and then assist in saving those moving toward evil. Even more people will accept the "light"/"God", like an epidemic when people start getting it; and then the "Light" will be so strong that the moral majority serving the "Light" will control without great effort and without bloodshed. At that time, "Man as Devil" will either submit to the "Light"/"God" or cease to exist, by his own making and his own choice. This makes sense to me and it brings me great peace and fearlessness. The darkness we are moving into is necessary because Man's narcissism created the movement toward the darkness indirectly by moving out of balance with "God". Ultimately the darkness is just a movement toward the "Light"/"God", and into the Gateway to Rebirth; and it is "God's" way of asking us to listen to His Words in the Universal Language in the "Light" so that we might be saved.
Please note that to see older blog posts here, you must select "Older Posts" or they are not visible.