Dead Raven Found by "Messenger"?

Dead Raven Found by "Messenger"?
The Raven, a messenger, brings the darkness of Truth into our lives. We must go into this darkness to find "God's" light, which will be the gateway to rebirth. Do not fear the darkness! Focus on the light!

Death Row Tenant describes a mammoth Real Estate criminal underworld: the Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Underworld.


and Materials and Content Copyright at the time of first creation by Death Row Tenant including, but not limited to MATERIALS AND CONTENT COPYRIGHT, 2009, Death Row Tenant and MATERIALS AND CONTENT COPYRIGHT, 2010, Death Row Tenant. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!


*Apartments Strange Happenings is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*Mortstare is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*WE not me is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*The Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*Webmob is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*Death Row Tenant is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
*DRT is a Trademark of "DRT". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!

*The entirety of the "SITE" contains solely combinations of beliefs and or interpretations and recollections by Death Row Tenant, "DRT", and solely combinations of beliefs and or interpretations and recollections by other people or parties who have messages posted on the "SITE" but in no way are any of these combinations meant to be construed as fact.
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I. The Internal Membership Structure of the Webmob: The Godfathers, Bosses and Members

I.  The Internal Membership Structure of the Webmob: The Godfathers, Bosses and Members
The Anti-American Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia

II. The Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia

II.  The Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia
Webmob Godfathers Offer Services, Including: An Insurance Policy Against Lawsuits

II. The Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia

II.  The Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia
The Webmob Godfathers Offer Services, Including: An Insurance Policy Against Lawsuits

IV. The Anti-American Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia

IV.  The Anti-American Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia

IV. The Anti-American Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia

IV. The Anti-American Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia
Not shrunk to fit: for those who want a close up view.




I wish to preface this by saying that I believe that exposure to Truth will ultimately assist in relieving suffering.  Of course this means one must learn to perceive something bigger than the mortal and that Fear will only give power to "Man as Devil" and Fear will also make one make them-self sick.  But ultimately, I bring the darkness into the light, without which there can be no rebirth.  Without Truth "Man" is lost in illusions created just for them to control them; or without Truth, one is lost in denial or greed and that will also make one sick and possibly delusional.

Note that I have named "Man as Devil" many different names over the years (such as "Webmob" as I do not know the actual name of the person/people who are masterminding these heinous crimes thus I created names and modified my choices as I developed my thinking.

Subject: "Man as Devil" and what I am developing as my belief that "Man as Devil" and the bosses are targeting Soul/Spirit/"God", including any nature affiliations with Soul/Spirit/"God" because they see Soul/Spirit/"God" as their principle rival to eliminate.  That means anyone connected to Soul/Spirit/"God" will be considered a threat and will therefore be targeted as a victim of set ups.   I believe "Man as Devil" and it's followers has become quite large, even like a parallel society, but much smaller than the society we "see".  But due to the connections and underworld power of "Man as Devil", our government as a Democracy is endangered.  If our government as a Democracy is more and more controlled by big money then "Man as Devil" is capable of more and more manipulation and luring of society as we know it.  Therefore America is in danger of loosing the freedoms we have come to know.  I believe "Man as Devil" has the ultimate intent of a New World Order, with intent to suppress and void Spirit/Soul/"God".  Please do not move into temptation and do not accept the lure of big money with its false power.  The illusion of greater comfort comes with the price of selling one's soul to "Man as Devil" (in my interpretation).

The Spirit/Soul/"God" is simply in the way of omnipotent control intent of "Man as Devil" and the bosses, as I believe they interpret it.  I feel this is an important point so I will say it again: it appears to me as though "God"/Spirit/Soul is the rival which "Man as Devil" intends to suppress, manipulate and control in order to ultimately control mankind and take over the world with a new World Order.  

I believe that the black magic, such as psychic attacks and "evil-eye" energy, used by "Man as Devil" and the bosses and even some lower members, feeds off of universal energy with intent to control and abuse mankind and to ultimately create a New World Order.  Anyone who practices spiritual connection with huge love of and direct connection to the Spirit/soul/"God" for the greater good of all, will be considered a threat to "Man as Devil".  Thus "Man as Devil" will attempt to focus on a play of Words in order to make society reject and hate these people and to make society feel fear if they so not reject these people, even though these people are acting on the behalf of the balance and Love of the Divine and Nature.  One should beware of the play on words and question the intent of anyone who condemns a group of people who are not harming others.  There is a bigger hidden picture here-- "Man as Devil" wishes to harm society and use society against "Man as Devil's" targeted victims and targeted groups in order to ultimately remove freedom as we know it and to take over the Soul/Spirit/"God".  To assist "Man as Devil" is to damage freedom as we know it-- don't help them harm our children's freedom and don't go into irrational fear, please!!!

I also believe that minority groups will be targeted to be controlled; and further attempts will be made to create illusions and hate to assist the rejections by society of minority groups.  For instance, gay rights and women's rights and rights of people who support Nature/Spirit/Divine Love in their religions: People will be lead to judge (and judgement should be left to "God") the religious Words or moral issues based on the study of Words and not see the bigger picture of if we loose ANY minority right freedom, we loose another piece of our own freedom.  The people may not know that "God" is bigger than Words.  And people may not know that the underlying intent is to control and suppress "Spirit/Soul/God" including Nature "Spirit/Soul/% God".  Exposure of Truth is a good thing.

In America if one hugs a tree one can likely be looked at like one is crazy.  Suppression of spirit connection via creation of illusions by "Man as Devil" over decades that cause the thinking that something is wrong with a connection to spirit or Nature Spirit, is common in America.  Fear of connection to Spirit, without understanding something is wrong with the Fear and not the desire to free the connection to Spirit, is common in America.

The very reason I believe that the lured worker and "Parallel society" is afraid of me is because I have what is similar to the third eye and because I have Spiritual connection to the Divine.  Confronting Truth by having society know what the lured worker might be doing, I think, would weaken the "Parallel Society".  Exposure of Truth would weaken this "Parallel society" greatly.  One of the reasons is that if Truth was exposed, then society could not be set up to be used so much against the targeted victim because society would understand other possibilities and could be trained to assist the victim other than moving into Fear and assisting the perpetrator. 

I am developing my belief that "Man as Devil" will attempt to perfect cloning.  I believe that there are many good qualities about cloning but being in the hands of "Man as Devil" is not one of them.  The clones created can be told-- Man created you-- Man controls you-- and this mind control, along with such things as inserted chips into the brain, could ultimately assist in eliminating what I believe is their rival, the Spirit/Soul/"God"-- at least for a time.  I have come to agree with those who believe that the soul is an extension of the collective life force that allows us to be who we are, thus, if this is true, a clone would be a living biological being with the same collective energy of the soul required to maintain a large bio organism, which may be somewhat akin to reincarnation.  However with brain manipulation and brainwashing and possibly brain chips, control could be somewhat maintained for some time. Plus if powerful people out of balance with brain and spirit and with huge money and connections, who work against our Democracy, were cloned several times each, without the knowledge of others, these clones could work around the clock, taking turns sleeping or each focusing on developing different techniques against our Democracy. Note again that I am not saying that-- cloning is bad in the right hands of balanced intent!

Furthermore, I have come to believe that it is reasonable to conclude that "Man as Devil" and the Bosses intend to clone themselves after testing out cloning.  This is because "Man as Devil"  wants to attempt to rid their connection to "Spirit/Soul/"God", their rival; in essence this is an attempt to rid that which slows the development of the New World Order-- which I believe would be a heinous Dictatorship.  At this time "Man as Devil" and the Bosses do have souls and do feel Fear (even of me); and sometimes they feel guilt when confronted with unconditional Love (especially that from a mother figure, as they all hate their mothers).  Though, I think usually they would see unconditional Love as something to manipulate with intent to gain a power over it.  Note that when deemed powerless or ostracized (okay, I am pretty good at that), this sends "Man as Devil" into a fury and they use this coiled anger as energy to strike back-- BUT keeping them busy can make them make themselves sick and this can slow them from harming others (okay, I will take a little credit here).  Overload, overwhelm is one of the techniques used by "Man as Devil" to control targeted people/groups.

It is my belief that we have been suppressed against having many spiritual connections with nature for a reason.  "Man as Devil" is preparing a New World Order which is void of TRUE spiritual connection-- their rival.  What I mean by TRUE spiritual connection implies to me that there is an illusion created by "Man as Devil" in order to control and ultimately take over Soul/Spirit/"God".

This illusion created by "Man as Devil" in order to ultimately take over/control/suppress the Soul/Spirit/"God"-- in my thinking--, could include the following:  
Time and the brain is limited and can be manipulated or overloaded, leaving no other room for development of spiritual connection.  As I previously mentioned, this Overload/Overwhelm is a common technique that I believe "Man as Devil" uses.  See if I can explain my thinking here... If many people and some churches focus only on the Word, and the persistent re-reading of the Word and that each different belief of each group defends or even sometimes fights over their Word of their book as the correct "God", many people might interpret the Word as the totality of "God" itself.  One could spend their time and brains' limitations solely discussing and debating their "God", void of time for understanding or time to develop a connection to the Divine, beyond Words.  Thus some people might be loosing the whole point of the Divine Connection and the Compassion and Humanity that comes with the Balance.  "God"/Spirit/Soul is far far beyond words.  The Universal language is not English.  And I am also not saying that Words are not good or that the flow of thoughts do not come in a connection to the Divine, if one has that connection!  And I am not saying great connection to the Divine is not possible for those who are drawn to focus on the Word!  But people can loose the point of the Divine connection if they are lost exclusively in the Word.  My point being that if people lack the connection to Nature and Balance of brain and spirit, these people are easier to manipulate and lure!  These people who lack connection to Nature and Balance of brain and spirit will all likely call themselves connected to spirit/soul/"God" yet many have never had a TRUE connection.  Thus the illusion I believe being created by "Man as Devil" to control Spirit/Soul/"God" is quite successful.  The illusion of the "Man as Devil" is to make it appear that people have the TRUE connection with the Divine of their choice and a freedom to connect to spirit; and many people certainly believe they have the connection when they do not have the TRUE connection with the Divine and do not have the time or further brain capacity to understand what is happening!

This is like a warning to all people who are TRULY spirituality connected-- these spiritually connected people are a threat to "Man as Devil"/Parallel Society because it appears to me that "Man as Devil" intends to suppress and manipulate and control "God"/Spirit/Soul.

It makes sense to me that this thinking is the result of decades of luring and manipulation and loss of connection to "Soul" and loss of connection to compassion and Motherly acceptance.  To think the Brain should BE "God" and should control Spirit/Soul/"God" by manipulating Mankind is absurdly heinous to self and Mankind and is the thinking of Man Out of Control, not in control-- obviously.  To think "God"/Spirit/Soul is a rival is Out of Balance and Out of Control with Truth and reality.  It appears to me as though this omnipotent insecurity continues to demand a movement toward Dictatorship control primarily to justify their own deep insecurity!  They can't even deal with Truth and balance and need to create illusions and instill subconscious Fear in others in order to feel powerful, which makes them, again, Out of Control, not in control.

It also appears logical to me that the very thinking of these Lost Souls believing they are in control via manipulation and creation of illusions and instilling Fear is simply an insecure and unbalanced sickness gone out of control.  Their movement to manipulate and control and ultimately to take over "God"/Spirit/Soul is actually a movement to destroy themselves and their children and their children's children as well as to destroy society as we know it.  The Soul/Spirit/"God" can not be triumphed over!  One accepts the balance and compassion of the %"God" within us or one rejects that world and rejects the "Light" that will lead to the gateway to rebirth.  Thinking one can control "God"/Spirit/Soul is completely self destructive.  It as a choice-- choose "Man as Devil" and self-destruction or "God"/Spirit/Soul and the gateway to rebirth.

Many of the lower level lured Lost Souls may not even be aware of their choices or aware of the existence of "Man as Devil" manipulating them.  This is another reason why exposure of Truth might help some of the lured Lost Souls.  These Lost Souls may also be offered various illegal drugs in order to both control them and to make more money from them.

It is my hope that this information is known in order to help slow a huge potential problem before the power is too big to control.

Regarding my personal beliefs in "God", I believe that there is only one "God".  I believe that all beliefs with intent for balance and for the greater good of all, are a part of one "God".  I also do not care what one names "God", or no name because "God" is far beyond words.  I believe that is it in the intent and the motivation and the subsequent related action that will be ultimately judged; I do not believe one will be judged on any specific choice of name (or no name or many names) or that one will be judged on your specific belief in Words you have come to Love.  

My language and choice of vocabulary is not great so I apologize for any sloppy or unclear sentences!  Thank you for visiting!  I welcome thoughts here!

AI. Introduction to the Webmob

AI.  Introduction to the Webmob
06/2008 The Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia

IA. The Building Blocks of the Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia

IA.  The Building Blocks of the Real Estate Godfathers' Webmob Masquerade Mafia
The Webmob Godfathers Prepare for Court Before they Commit their Crimes

The Gateway to Rebirth

The Gateway to Rebirth
Love, Light, Unite!

The Messenger

The Messenger
Love, Light, Unite!

V. A Promise to America

V.  A Promise to America
WE not me!

Va. A Promise to America

Va.  A Promise to America
WE not me!

Vb. A Promise to America

Vb.  A Promise to America
WE not me!